What makes Webflow better than other website builders?

Written by
September 28, 2022
6 min

Here's a list of top-tier benefits of using Webflow over other website-builder platforms made by Anastasia, Elish Webflow developer

What makes Webflow better than other website builders?

It's a fun story: my professional career started in client communication and content management. It is quite far from becoming a Webflow developer, isn't it? So it was a long journey leading to my dream job - design and website development on Webflow

Now I know that moving over to working with Webflow was one huge boost to my skills. I could create so much more value to my clients!

Why choose building website on Webflow in 2022? 

Speed - a major factor for users and SEO

Website speed is important for users. If a page takes time to load most of your users will just abandon your site. Slow website = frustrated users. This made speed the biggest SEO factor for Google ranking. Slow loading times hurt your SEO rankings.

From my experience Webflow gives the developer a great advantage in speed optimization.

If I were to use WordPress, I'd be stuck using a bunch of plugins. I would need some plugins for visual side, some for SEO, other for backups and website maintenance. And running all of those plugins could harm the speed of the website.

And when building on Webflow out-of-the box speed optimization is great. If your website built on Webflow has speed performance issues - most of the time speed is impacted by third-party apps installed above Webflow (like analytics tools and communication tools like Intercom). Other times you can improve speed via image/video size and format optimization.

Webflow had SEO-friendly features built-in

It's a good idea to promote your new site when you launch. When you create a site using Webflow, you start with a fully functional SEO set-up. Things that would need extra setup and third party plugins on say WordPress are already included in your Webflow website.

Webflow has all on-page SEO features ready for you to use. 
  • Your website developer has native controls over meta titles, descriptions, image alt texts. 
  • Webflow would generate an XML sitemap, and keep it up to date automatically.
  • It is easy to create website links structure tailored to your needs. The site links structure must be easy for users to navigate. And Google bots love when your website is scannable as well!
  • Editing heading tags, contextual links, and other rich text elements is user-friendly on Webflow. Anyone can do it. And with other platforms it is a pain to train your content editor to use SEO-related formatting.
Editing in Webflow is easy, anyone can do it

Add-ons are easy to install on Webflow websites

When I build a Webflow site for my clients I can use a pre-built integration with Google Analytics and Search console. Google marketing tools are a must for a new business website in 2022. You need to understand your visitors, and how your website performs against your competitors. So having those features implemented straight-away translates to a faster launch of your product or service. And many business I know would kill for an extra day of developer work. :)

Making changes and adding content to a Webflow website

Many of my clients are afraid to learn adding content, editing and making changes in the design. Others assume that they will need to have a developer every time they need a change on the website. I think it is a thing of the past. Yes, other website builder apps may be difficult. But not Webflow.

Aragorn loves Webflow too!

I understand the concerns. But it is extremely easy to learn editing a Webflow website. And to do so you will not need to learn everything a website developer does. Adding and editing content on Webflow is as easy as editing in Google docs. It is super clear and easy.

When I'm working on a client project, the hand-off step is super exciting to me. I set up a 15 minute call where I teach my client to make any changes they might require by themselves. When I hand-off the newly built website, I teach managing updating existing content, adding new blogs, and managing CMS collections. I am yet to see a person that would find editing difficult with a Webflow site. 

Well, on this page I’ve shared my list of top-tier benefits of using Webflow over other website-builder platforms. The things I touched here are website speed, SEO readiness, ease of add-on features, and editing experience. Those things turned out to be only second to the robust infrastructure and design flexibility I get as a developer building websites on Webflow.

And I can say that building your website on Webflow puts you on the right track

You can find my templates helpful on your journey. I've built 15 Webflow website templates published on the official marketplace. Those templates help speed up developing your new company or side hustle websites by a lot! Take a look here: Webflow Templates by Anastasia

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