Building a website is easy. Designing a killer website that gets you customers isn't.

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September 17, 2022
5 min

People are coming to your site because they want information about what you do—and not just any information; they want information that's relevant to the problems they're trying to solve.

Building a website is easy. Designing a killer website that gets you customers isn't.

It's true: technically, building a website is as easy as using a pre-built solution, and there's no shortage of options out there. You can use a template or a drag-and-drop builder to get started, or you can go full-on DIY and build everything from scratch. Even if you choose to start with a template or builder, it's not hard to customize the design to make it your own.

The actual challenge is to create a website that works great for your business—which is something that most people don't understand when they start out. Too often, businesses think that their site needs to serve them directly: they want their homepage to show off their products, their contact section should have all kinds of ways for people to reach them, and so on and so forth.

But this isn't how things work! Your clients are coming to your site because they want information about what you do—and not just any information; they want information that's relevant to the problems they're trying to solve by visiting your site in the first place. That means you need content that speaks directly to those problems—not just fluff about how great your business is!

For instance, our website is built in no-code using Webflow

How to make your website serve your client?

Identify your clients' expectations for using the website.

When you're creating a website, it's important to think about how you want your client to use it. What information are they looking for? What do they want to see? How can you make that experience as smooth and seamless as possible?

The first thing to consider is your navigation bar. It should be easy for visitors to find what they're looking for. If visitors have trouble finding a page or section, they'll leave and go somewhere else. You don't want that!

Next, think about how you can make the most out of each page on your site. Maybe there's some kind of functionality that would benefit your business if you added it—like a blog where people can comment on articles or post their own content? Maybe there's some kind of tool that would make your life easier or help you provide better service? If you know what could make your site more useful, try adding those things!

Build a website business funnel that attracts the ideal clients for your service or product

Building a website business funnel is not as straightforward as it seems, whether you're selling a product or offering a service. The visitor needs to be able to make the purchase or learn about your service and see a price quote.

If you sell a product:

  • Does your website have an e-commerce system?
  • If so, is it easy for the customer to find and purchase your product?
  • Does it work on mobile devices? Is your checkout process fast and easy?
  • Do you have an offline store that people can visit?
  • Do they know how to get there and find the address? Maybe they'll want directions on Google Maps.

If you offer services:

  • Do you have online chat available?
  • Is it possible for your clients to get started without talking to someone in person?
  • Or do they need to speak to someone on the phone first?
  • Or maybe they'd rather use a form?

I build websites with clients who value their audience needs

Every website I build is an exciting journey where I get to explore and create.

I guide my clients through the process of using their vision to create great user experiences. Every site we build starts with an initial meeting where we discuss your goals and needs, and then I help you decide on a look and feel that works for your brand. We'll talk about all of the different pieces of a website—from the colors and fonts, to the content strategy and information architecture. Then, we'll plan out how all those elements will work together to deliver an amazing experience for your users.

And if you are just starting out, you can ask Elish team for support. Or you can kick-start your project by purchasing one of our website templates. Our website are designed to help out small businesses that want to get going fast, on the most flexible website platform - Webflow.

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